Druid Hill Park will host the 2013 Race2College race
Park Map
Race will start at Columbus monument at the intersection of Swann Drive and Hanlon Dr (Number 1 Purple on the map). Parking is available on Swann Drive in adjacent areas. The race will be 3 loops around the lake and end at Cherry groves (Number 10 Green on the map) Please see map available here https://race2college.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Druid-Hill-Park-Map.jpg
Park Address:
2600 Madison Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21217
Please bring proper footwear. T-shirts will be given out to participants.
Race starts at 8:45 am sharp inshaa Allah.
No registration after 8:10 am.
All participants need to be checked in and ready no later than 8:30 am.