Category Archives: Race 2012
Catholic Youth Ministry Joins Race2College Sponsors
St. Louis CYM is committed to the total personal growth of young people. Race2College welcomes their support and looks forward to more joint activities with the Catholic youth group. The youth group is active and a big supporter of outreach, one recent contribution was during the summer of 2012 when over 35 youth from CYM participated in constructing homes for low income families in DE.
Home of the Heart, Dar us Salaam’s new Campus Joins Our Sponsor List
A Bold Step for the Sake of Allah
With Allah’s permission, the Dar-us-Salaam community is embarking on a new, bold and exciting phase of its development — to acquire a 66-acre property in Howard County, Maryland which would serve as its new education and community campus. The campus will serve in shaa Allah as a hub for education, community service, and da’wa for Muslims in the region as well as Muslims across the nation. Join us as we build for the future, trusting in Allah and seeking acceptance from Him alone.
Click here to learn more about this ambitious project –
Welcome to the Race 2 College
Islamic Leadership Institute of America (ILIA) is pleased to announce in honor of Islamic History Month the official Race 2 College. This race event is scheduled to take place, with the support and will of our Lord and your sponsorship, on Saturday, October 27th 2012 from 7am – 10am at Centennial Park in Howard County.
The purpose of the race is to raise $20,000 for college students scholarships. ILIA plans inshaa Allah on providing 20-40 students scholarships during fall 2012 and spring 2013.
To read more about the increase in number of college student drop-outs and an article in the Muslim Link on Race 2 College click here.
To participate in the race, sponsor runners, or volunteer, click on the appropriate tabs above.